Announcement #33 of 2024

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Announcement #33 of 2024

Announcement #33 of 2024

01 August 2024

Dear CDWS members,

A new feature has been added to the CDWS portal that enables the technical managers to create a profile for the employees -non-professionals- working for their facility, as an example for the following titles: (accountant, equipment manager, captain, mechanic, chef, …etc).

By adding the profile of the employee to the portal it will link automatically to the Trip Notification Application, allowing the technical managers to add them to trips easily and without duplications.

This new feature will also help with data reference for the sector's non-professionals, allowing the CDWS to design and provide them with different training programs.

Accordingly, the technical managers are requested to register the data of the employees by October 31st, 2024.

Kindly adhere to this deadline, as it will not be possible to add the non-registered employees to a trip notification request after this date.


The Chamber of Diving and Water Sports